Dangerous countries

Countries where surrogacy should not be carried out

The figure of the ‘surrogacy agency’ is not regulated in Europe, so there are no requirements to open an agency (unlike a law firm that must have a law degree, liability insurance, a code of ethics, etc.).

This means that ‘agencies’ with newly invented destinations appear periodically, especially when it comes to single parents or gay couples (although some heterosexual couples also fall into this type of trap), in countries where there is no law on surrogacy, but there is no jurisprudence that allows it either. They are easily detected by the following important details:

🔹 IVF is done in a country, but the birth cannot take place in that country.
🔹 The child obviously does not have the passport of that country.

Currently, the destination we have detected that is making the most noise in the sector is CYPRUS. Focused mainly on single men or homosexual couples. In vitro fertilisation is done in the Turkish Republic of Cyprus (a state not recognised by Europe), and then you are offered to give birth in another country. Some agencies have the courage to offer you to give birth in Portugal or even Spain.

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