Surrogacy in Georgia

Surrogate motherhood in Georgia

Who can do surrogacy surrogacy in Georgia

in this country the following persons are eligible for surrogacy:

🔹Heterosexual couples, married for more than one year of marriage, who can prove a medical reason that prevents them from gestation.

🔹 Heterosexual couples, NOT married who can prove more than one year of documented cohabitation, who can prove a medical reason that prevents them from gestation.
Information about surrogacy in Georgia with Gestlife Australia
Given the war situation in Ukraine, Georgia, where Gestlife has been carrying out surrogacy processes since 2012, has emerged as a great alternative, while the conflict in Ukraine is not resolved.
The Georgian government had presented a draft law in July 2023, to prevent foreigners from being able to participate in surrogacy processes in Georgia to foreigners, but finally, in January 2023, this draft was rejected, and the government proceeded to establish protocols aimed at guaranteeing the rights of the parties. Interestingly, a law that was going to prevent parents from carrying out surrogacy procedures in this country has become a law that offers them more guarantees, such as, for example, that once a surrogate is assigned to a couple, the surrogate cannot freely change partners or agencies.
Georgia therefore remains a valid destination for surrogacy for heterosexual couples.
Gestlife has its own offices in Tbilisi, the Georgian capital, its own staff, and offers exactly the same programs and services as in the other countries where we operate. Ask your family advisor, and we will be happy to inform you about this program, as well as other alternatives.
Surrogacy in Georgia, as in Ukraine, is legal and regulated. The surrogacy legislation in Georgia dates back to 1997 and guarantees the rights of the intended parents.
In this regard, if an embryo conceived by a couple as a result of the application of assisted reproductive techniques is transferred into the body of another woman, the parents of the child will be the couple. With the consent of the surrogate on the Georgian birth certificate, the name of the intended parents will be stated directly. Unfortunately, the consulate in most countries will not take this certificate into account and will register the surrogate as the mother of the child, following the principle "mater semper certa est", i.e. the mother's filiation is determined by the birth.
Georgia baby mother with Gestlife Australia

The law on surrogacy in Georgia

Article 143. Section b: Surrogacy in Georgia is allowed in case a woman does not have a uterus, for the purpose of achieving the evolution and growth of the embryo obtained as a result of its transfer to the uterus of another woman, called "gestational carrier".
Although this article states that the only condition for surrogacy in Georgia is the absence of a uterus, any malformation or medical incapacity to gestate allows the process to be carry out.
In order to carry out surrogacy in Georgia, it is necessary to have the written consent of the couple intending to have a child and the surrogate mother. With this signed document, the paternity of the couple at the time of birth will be recognized in the eyes of the Georgian government.
Surrogacy in Georgia is only legal for heterosexual couples, totally excluding homosexual couples, as well as women and men seeking single parenthood.
2. Requirements for surrogacy in Georgia
In terms of the requirements for prospective parents to initiate surrogacy in Georgia, the following are the most important:

Being a married heterosexual couple married for more than one year (legislative change in September 2020, from which it is necessary to be married for at least one year). Is also allow for couples who can prove cohabitation of at least one year (rental contract in the name of both of you, being registered in the register of unmarried couples, having been doing IVF processes for more than one year, which proves that you are together, etc.).

Regarding the requirements and the choice of the surrogate, she must have already had a child of her own and cannot be older than 35 years of age. In addition, they are required to have a medium-high socio-economic level, so that poverty is not a reason to become a surrogate mother.
Georgia surrogate parents in surrogacy process

In whose name will the baby be register after birth?

The baby will be register in the name of the parents. Subsequently, in the parents' country of origin, depending on each legislation, the commissioning mother will have to proceed with the adoption of the baby, as most of the parents' countries of origin only recognize the commissioning father. Consult your case with your family advisor at Gestlife.

In the surrogacy process in Georgia, you do not obtain a judgment but a birth certificate with the Hague apostille. The child will come in the name of the father, and the surrogate mother will have to adopt the child once in her country of origin (uncomplicated surrogacy procedure in Georgia).
Only married heterosexual couples.

If you wish to know in more detail what happened, we advise you to read the following section of this press release, more focused on the technical part, for those parents who wish to go deeper and better understand what is happening.
An in-country assistance manager in your language (English, French, Spanish, Italian, German).
Our staff will assist you in our office in Tiblissi (Georgia) in your language. In a process where legal issues are mixed with medical issues, it is important to speak the same language and to understand each other. With Gestlife, you will never feel like a stranger in a foreign country.
It is something that seems obvious, when with some agencies you are lucky enough to speak to an advisor in your language, but as soon as you sign the contract, the rest of the staff do not speak it, and you will have to defend yourself in English, or in another language, with translators. Make sure if you talk to other agencies that this will not happen. A year and a half (the length of a process) having to speak in other languages is very stressful.

Our own office in Georgia

Gestlife has its own office in this country. We are not intermediaries. Our staff will attend you in our office in Tiblissi , Georgia , in your language. In a process where legal matters are mixed with medical matters, it is important to speak the same language and understand each other. With Gestlife, you will never feel like a stranger in a foreign country.

Legal assistance in Georgia

Gestlife has lawyers in its office in Tiblissi, Georgia, to assist you throughout the process.

Legal assistance in your home country

Most "agencies" finish their work when they hand over the baby to you. Others help you to leave the country, but then it is up to you to register your baby in your home country. At Gestlife we have a network of lawyers in all countries, to take care of the final procedure in your country of origin that will allow you to register your child without any problems.

Personal assistance during your travels

We try our best to make the surrogacy process a pleasure trip, not a nightmare. There can always be setbacks, which can endanger the commissioning parents (illness, accident). Gestlife takes care of managing your travel assistance insurance, to guarantee you complete assistance in the event of any incident, and we take care of managing and organizing all the services related to this issue, so that you do not have to worry about it. Our philosophy is to take care of parents 24 hours a day.

Cost of a surrogacy process in Georgia

A surrogacy procedure in Georgia costs between 54.000 and 81.000 euros depending on the program and coverage chosen.

Which programs can I take out in Georgia

In all our countries, you can take out the following programs:
You can consult the services included in each program in the dossiers of each country. Ask your family advisor for them, with no obligation.

HIV, Hepatitis and sexually transmitted diseases

Gestlife is one of the few agencies that have programs for parents who test positive for HIV, Hepatitis or sexually transmitted diseases. Nowadays, this is not an impediment to parenthood. If this is your case, consult with your family counsellor, and we will be happy to help you.

Special characteristics of the country:

You do not get a sentence but a birth certificate with the Hague apostille. The child will come in the name of the father, and the commissioning mother will have to adopt the child once in her country (surrogacy procedure in Georgia is uncomplicated).
Only married heterosexual couples for surrogacy in Georgia and couples who can prove that they have been living together for at least one year.
The intended mother must prove with a medical certificate that she is unable to carry a child, or that she poses a serious risk to her health, and therefore resort to surrogacy in Georgia.

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