Testimonials? do you want to know the opinion of our parents?
Probably you would like to know the opinion of parents who, like you, once started a surrogacy process. But unfortunately the internet is full of false reviews and fakes, sometimes posted by our competitors.
Here you have, in their own handwriting, the real testimonies of some of our parents, of different nationalities.
How to detect fake reviews on the internet
Nowadays it is fashionable to check a company's reviews. We don't go to a restaurant without reading its reviews. But on the internet, and without anyone verifying it, you can publish anything. You can even say that Elvis Presley is still alive.
Fakes have become part of our lives. And this leads us to fake reviews. Sometimes there are unprofessional "agencies", who believe that the only way to make a name for themselves in the sector is to upload fake reviews about the main companies, believing that this way they are narrowing down the market, and bring potential clientsv closer to their company.
One of the main clinics in Ukraine, which later fell into disgrace due to serious irregularities, was recruiting in Algeria (French-speaking country) for the writing of false reviews for French parents , until an Algerian journalist "caught" them when they published the advertisement looking for staff, in which, without any blush, they indicated that the position was to write false testimonies.
Don't believe us? Here is the link to the article published by the Algerian journalist.
But there are ways to detect fake reviews or fakes:
a) They have spelling mistakes. They are usually written by people of a different nationality, who do not master the language of the country to which they refer.
b) The vast majority speak in the third person. That is, they say that they have been told, that they know a neighbor, that a friend of theirs has told them... that they know a case..... Blah blah blah blah... if someone is dissatisfied, they write in the first person about their dissatisfaction and give all the information about it. It is not your neighbor who does it.
c) They make general accusations, but without going into detail. They say it's a scam, it doesn't work... but they don't explain the case in detail. When a case is real, all the details are expose to embarrass the culprit. When it is general, it is simply false.
d) They only put one star on google, but no comments. The only objective is to lower Google´s rating, which makes google position the website in a worse position in its search engine. Sometimes 10 reviews suddenly appear, all with only one star, in order to lower the positioning of the website.
e) If you look to see if they have posted more reviews for other businesses, you will notice that there is only this review, which means that the account is recent and has been created just for that. Otherwise, it would have dozens of reviews for other establishments.
f) They say they are "trapped" in a process, when anyone can terminate the contract they have with an agency. An agency is not a government ministry that you have to go through, no matter what. If you are not happy, you cancel, and if you feel you have been deceived, you file a complaint in court.
These are just some examples of how the internet can be misused. Search, compare, and if you find something better, hire it, but do not get carried away by false testimonials created just to prevent you from hiring the company that is going to make your dream come true.