We make possible, the impossible
We are the first law firm to offer comprehensive surrogacy advice in Spain, belonging to the American group INVESMEDICAL, thanks to which, we have 18 offices in 11 countries, with more than 190 employees dedicated exclusively to making the biggest dream of your life come true: having your baby.
Trust the best surrogacy agency in Europe and America, we are a team of professionals specialised in surrogacy and surrogate motherhood, so that you can achieve your dream of forming a family. Simply put, WE ARE NOT INTERMEDIARIES.
Sometimes it may seem that a company like ours, dedicated to surrogacy, because of its size, can be cold or impersonal. But the reality is quite different. Gestlife is made up of people, many of whom are parents ourselves, and others are on the way to becoming parents thanks to surrogacy. A team united, above all, by a passion for children and for achieving what nature has denied us.
Parenthood changed our lives. There was a before and an after. And the after was much better. So, neither short nor lazy, we began this journey years ago, seeking to make the unreal real, the impossible possible. Today we are more than 190 people and professionals in 11 countries dedicated to surrogacy.
With the solvency and structure of a multinational that guarantees the absence of improvisations in something as important as realising the dream of having a child. This cannot be done by an amateur. Gestlife offers the closeness of someone who has lived your same situation, together with the structure of a multinational, which guarantees the absence of improvisations in something as important as realising the dream of forming a family.
You may be considering other alternatives for your surrogacy process in the UK. Often, with the healthy intention of saving money, many parents consider the possibility of doing the surrogacy process themselves, without the help of professionals, or using a surrogacy agency with cheaper prices.
Consider for a moment whether, for a divorce or a lawsuit with a car you have crashed into, or to denounce an unfair dismissal from your job, you would dare to be your own lawyer. Obviously, the answer is ‘NO’. Why, then, for surrogacy, yes?
Every 3 or 4 months we receive calls from surrogacy parents who are trapped in a country, because they did the surrogacy process alone, and do not know how to cross the border with their child, and in many cases they encounter difficulties, derived from basic mistakes made by those who do not know the legal process of surrogacy. The consequences are disastrous: endless stays, sometimes for months, in a country, impossibility of registering the child, etc. Cheap is expensive.
Carrying out a surrogacy process with GestLife is synonymous with trust. Your process will be in the hands of true professionals with extensive experience in surrogacy, with more than 500 happy parents behind them every year, with all the guarantees.
New York, USA
California, USA
The birth was incredible. Once she was in our arms, it seemed like a dream, we couldn't believe it. I even got a bit dizzy, I had to be assisted.
Surrogate mother and surrogate pregnancy - is it right to ask what a surrogate is? A surrogate mother or the misnamed surrogate mother is when a woman carries a surrogate pregnancy or surrogate pregnancy and gives birth to a baby that genetically and legally belongs to other parents. The surrogate mother in a surrogacy process is, therefore, the woman who, in agreement with a person or couple who will be the intended parents, accepts that the embryo previously engendered be transferred to her uterus by Assisted Reproduction in order to become pregnant with said embryo, gestated to term and give birth in substitution of the aforementioned intended parents. The term surrogate or surrogate mother is used to disparagingly refer to the woman who carries out the surrogacy process. The correct term is gestational carrier, which is the woman who carries out a surrogate pregnancy in substitution of parents who are unable to carry out a gestation. The gametes may originate from the intended parents and/or third parties. The terms surrogate or womb is a derogatory and incorrect way of referring to the process of surrogacy, a process in which a woman carries out a surrogate pregnancy or surrogate pregnancy and gives birth to a baby that is genetically and legally the child of other parents. The gestational carrier is, therefore, the woman who, in agreement with a person or couple, who will be the intended parents, agrees to participate in an assisted reproduction in which an embryo is transferred to her uterus, to gestate and give birth, in substitution of the aforementioned intended parents, who for some reason cannot carry out a gestation. This is called surrogacy, gestational surrogacy, gestational surrogacy, surrogate motherhood, surrogate motherhood, surrogate mother, surrogate mother, surrogate mother, surrogate mother, surrogate mother, surrogate mother, surrogate mother, surrogate mother, surrogate mother, etc.
Surrogate mother or surrogate mother, a woman who carries out a surrogate pregnancy or surrogate pregnancy having agreed that she will deliver the baby to the intended parents. The gametes may originate from the intended parents and/or third parties. Having explained what surrogacy is, we would like to remind you that the WHO calls this technique surrogacy, not surrogate motherhood. Our Assisted Reproduction Law of 1988, like the current one of 2006, after its partial reform by Law 19/2015, includes an article that declares surrogacy contracts null and void, specifically article 10. Furthermore, it establishes that the filiation of children born through surrogacy will be determined by the birth and that the possible action to claim paternity with respect to the biological father remains unaffected.
In reference to types of surrogacy we can divide surrogacy into: Commercial surrogacy or altruistic surrogacy. Traditional surrogacy or gestational surrogacy. Extrafamilial surrogacy or intrafamilial surrogacy.
Regarding Gestlife, first and foremost we are a law firm. We are not an agency. We belong to the American group INVESTMEDICAL. We have our own offices in 7 countries, and our own assisted reproduction clinic. We are the only company with our own clinic, the rest of the companies in the sector are simply intermediaries or commission agents, and we know this well because in the past we were also. Gestlife is also the first company in Europe that does surrogacy with more than 400 parents a year.That said, we are a law firm with our subsidiaries carrying out the Surrogate process in which we have three main obligations to you: The first: to avoid getting into legal trouble. If you come to us, it is to avoid problems and legal surprises. • The second, of course, is to ensure that you become the parents of a healthy child or children. This is essential. • Third, if we can help you save money, we would rather you spend it on your children than on the middleman. Of course, we want you to go through the process with us, Ms. XXXXXXXXXXX. We make our living from it and your future children would be born from it.But as we work with many countries, we are not obliged to recommend a destination because we have no other destination. That happens to the intermediary agencies that can only offer you one destination and their sales policy is to speak ill of other countries because they have no other destination to offer you.Therefore, we will find the best country that suits your needs, with all the legal guarantees, and at the lowest possible cost. Now, if I may, I would like to know a little more about your personal situation.
It is a Human Assisted Reproduction Technique (ART).In vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment is the technique used in surrogacy processes to help couples and individuals struggling to have a baby.During In Vitro Fertilization treatment, eggs are removed from the ovaries of the expectant mother or from a donor and fertilized in vitro (in a test tube, hence the term in vitro fertilization). The egg fertilized by the sperm of the intended father. The embryo is implanted in the uterus of the surrogate woman, where it will develop into a healthy surrogate pregnancy or gestational surrogate pregnancy.The similar In Vitro Fertilization treatment, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI,) is performed also in the laboratory. This treatment involves the injection of a single sperm directly into the egg. ICSI is recommended for couples in which the male partner has a low sperm count or low sperm motility, making it less likely that the sperm will fertilize the egg on their ownRemember that, in traditional surrogacy, the surrogate uses her own egg, so an artificial insemination can be performed, but this implies that the surrogate will have a genetic link with the baby with the sperm of the intended father.
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